Saturday, December 12, 2009

Final Daily Practice

I find it incredibly interesting that the last card I drew for my daily practice happened to be "13 Death." This is actually a good card, though many people obviously think it is a bad card because it must mean someone is going to die (untrue). The card itself represents the end of something and the beginning of something else. Therefore I am incredibly amused that I pulled it for the last card of this daily practice. It is the end of the class, but hopefully I will go on in my life to learn new things about these subjects.

Also, on a side note, I am always surprised at my 'artist abilities' to judge space. I had the huge stack of my index cards to lay out so that I could take a picture of them all together, to show their quantity at the end, and I just started placing them down, with no forethought of how many there were. When I got to the last one I realized that I had laid down the specific amount needed to create even rows. Very odd.

Anyways, here they are!

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